TDO – The Digital Office for Endodontists, a quick rundown.

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TDO –  The Digital Office for Endodontists

TDO software is probably one of the better practice management software packages we have come across for Endodontist who want a modern digital office.  This software works well in the Windows environment and running on a SQL database backend which when configured correctly is stable and fast.



Built in messaging app, you can send messages to other users on your system. All functions are easy to get to and displayed on the page. Security can be set up for different level users with audit, logs and other various security features.


This application with its many features interfaces to your imaging systems for x-rays, microscope as well as other third party equipment like CareStream 3D imaging hardware as well as doing a really good job of patient management.


On the software side, this application has image engine allowing easy viewing and photo-editing, has a powerful reporting module, quick books integration and a lecture feature that allows you to present cases easily in TDO when doing a lecture or presentation.

Web Integration

The web module allows for integration to the Endodontist website providing access (portals)  to referring doctors, patients and the Endodontist to be able to look up cases and other patient particulars.


Lastly, any software application is only as good as the support you are provided from the vendor. No matter how good or how intuitive practice management software is, underneath the user interface is a complicated application with 1000’s of lines of code that must perform its duties flawlessly every time it’s called upon to provide a function. Sooner or later something is going glitch which is to be expected but here again, there is little to worry about as the customer support from this company is top notch.


More information can be found on the TDO site.